
September Patreon Pinup + Schedule

Summer is starting to wind down, but we still have plenty of story ahead.

Jill is this month's pinup in a particularly flattering corset dress. But maybe that's only my opinion. What do you think?

First up is Part 9 of Jack & Jill. When we last left off, Emily was having a panic attack as she was confronted with Jack's transformation into Jill and the scope of the operation which changed her brother into a gorgeous woman...

Then, I'll actually be finishing Anywhere but Boring with the final two parts. I've had so much fun with Dylan's "memoir" and I doubt this is the last we'll see of them. 😊

I'll also have two new episodes of Half Sisters! When we last left Nikki, she'd poked the bear a few too many times. Hutchinson has flown off the handle and seems eager to give her a demonstration of what it means to defy him.

Season 2 of Half Sisters has gone on for far longer than I intended - but I do have an ending in mind and we're getting closer!

Also, The Catch will be up to Chapter 10! I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love collaborating with my friend Alyson on this story. When we left off in Chapter 9, Ant had agreed to a bit of surgery to make her (yes, there was a pronoun switch) more like the other girls in the office!  

You should check out the rest of Alyson's amazing stories, too. Her Patreon is full of them!

As always, thank you for your support! 💕

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